
Shinobue Rippei

Shopping Guide

Shinobue Rippei
Payment Method
"Cash on Delivery" accepted at no additional charge (in Japan only). Credit cards are accepted. For international payments, we only accept credit cards via PayPal.

- In Japan:
"Cash on delivery" by Yamato Transport, "Takkyuubin Collect," is available. 13 different credit cards are acceptable, such as JCB, VISA, MasterCard, Diners, AmericanExpress, etc.

- For international payments:
You can use credit cards via PayPal.
Ritz Corp.
2-75-3 Torocho Kita-ku Saitama-shi, Saitama
Weekday 10:00-18:00
Contact form
Return Policy

Please contact us immediately if you receive a defective product or for return requests.

- Return Deadline
Returns are acceptable within 7 days of delivery.

- Return shipping fees
Return shipping is the customer's responsibility unless the product is defective.

Shipping Method and Fees

- Yamato Transport (in Japan only)
Yamato Transport (Takkyuubin) will deliver anywhere in Japan. Fees vary depending on location (please see estimate to your location from Kanto). For international shipments, EMS is available.

- Takkyuubin Compact (shinobue bag, etc.) (in Japan only)
You can select Takkyuubin Compact for shinobue bags, etc. (in Japan only) The shipping fee will be calculated to your location from Kanto. For overseas shipments, EMS is available.

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